Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The face in the mirror

As I studied for a lesson I had to teach, I came across passages that brought new understanding to me. I guess there is a reason why we are to study and ponder over and over. many times passages I have read will all of the sudden provide new insight .

The lesson was about taking upon ourselves the name of Christ.  It is becoming more of a problem these days that many seem to "profess with their words that they are Christians, and that they are doing it all right , yet their actions speak otherwise. Do our actions bring people closer to Christ or farther away? Do our actions reflect the love of our Savior? .... or something else?

How about the way we talk or the way we dress?

How about our business dealings?
Would our clients or coworkers be surprised to know we were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?

The color of our skin or our orientation should not be a deciding factor on how we are treating others.

We are all Gods children

In a story told In Luke chapter 9 starting in vs 53 , the Savior had sent the apostles James and John into Samaria  to make preparations for him. History tells us that the Jews and the Samaritans do not get along ( hence a previous post of the good Samaritan) here. They recognized that he was a Jew and therefore were not accepting of him. James and John being upset about this asked the Lord "if they should send down fire to consume them. "

Now here is the important part.. The lord chastised James and John. HE expected more of them.

HE told them"Ye  know not of what spirit ye are of." Meaning they are allowing the spirit of contention and not the spirit of Love.
Then in vs. 56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy Mens lives but to save them.

Were the Samaritans being rude? probably. Should they have been more loving and Kind? Sure, but the Savior expected his disciples to be the bigger person, to be the good example. Thus the chastisement.
We too as Disciples of Christ are expected to be the bigger person. To be a good example in word and in deed.  To lift others , not destroy.
We are here to help save lives.   We are here to help each other on our journeys.

In D&C 137:9 The Lord further clarifies judgement for us.
For I the lord will judge men according to their works, according to the desires of their hearts.

We can never truly know the desires of anothers heart. Only the Savior knows, and that is how we will be judged.
Why is it we feel as if  everyone should fit into this tiny little box in order to be accepted by our Heavenly Father?  I believe he is way more merciful and understanding than we give him credit for.
HE loves ALL of his children and he has a plan for all of them. Sometimes it is through another person that he meets our needs. 

Do we not have enough things in our own lives to worry about that we feel the need to point out all the flaws we see in another? 
Are we quick to turn our backs on those who come into our circle and say" You do not belong here?"

Are we so busy with the "things" of this world that we don't take the time to look around and see who may be struggling along their path  that we could help. 

Are we teaching our children to be less understanding and accepting because of the things they see us say and do? 
What kind of example are we? 
When you see your reflection what does it reflect   ? What do others see?  
Do they see Love? 

I hope that we can all try and learn from the Savior . To gain a greater understanding of what he expects of us, and what he doesn't. 
Each morning and night as we look in the mirror may we reflect on the countenance that we show.

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